Monday, March 15, 2010

"Read the Good Trash" Movement

So those who know me know what a huge book/lit nerd I am. And you also may know that I am, at heart, a diehard V.C. Andrew fan. I mentioned her and her books in a recent post. Anyways, she was this author mainly in the 80's (though her first book and my favorite Flowers in the Attic was written in '79) that wrote, plain and simple, good trashy books. Her books were soap opera-y and all full of incest, violence, child abuse, rape, and the like. Most of her books featured a parent, usually a mother, who would lie to her kids and along the way you would find out that the main character was either A. Adopted/kidnapped, or B. The product of an incestuous union and bound on the same path. Nutsy cuckoo shit, haha. I eat it up, though and hardcore wish I had been born in the sixties so I could read them growing up.

I've decided to embark on this year long challenge [that I may or may not finish--hopefully I will] called the "Read the good trash"/V.C. Andrews movement. You basically read one V.C. Andrews book a month for the whole year[you have to read 11, you get a break one month or something haha.] The people who thought up the challenge decided to only allow the books she wrote before she died[cuz her family hired a ghostwriter to continue on with her ideas and manuscripts that she left after she died] to be part of it, but we'll see how that goes. Click here for the rules/description of the challenge.

Heehee. I'm a nerd and I'm excited :)

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