Monday, October 5, 2009

Lately I've had nothing of interest to blog about. I keep meaning to make posts about this or that but then I end up forgetting what I want to write about, and by the time I remember, it just isn't as interesting (to me) anymore.

Today I had a history test. It was on an unbelievable amount of information. We had an entire month's worth of notes covered in this "quiz" and I just can't process that much at once. I was so frustrated last night when I was trying to study that I almost started crying. We had to take the quiz by ourselves, then in our groups. I was so glad that we only turned in the group answers for credit, because by myself I would seriously have crashed and burned. My group consisted of me, katie, my cousin Alyson, this older guy named Bill, and this girl who sits next to Katie (I feel bad I don't remember her name lol). I hope we did okay.

Tomorrow I have class for about an hour and then the rest of the day is mine, so me and Mae are going to take pictures. I'm going to do a photo shoot of her, it's going to be awesome! :)

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