Saturday, December 12, 2009

Work Christmas Party & Stuff

Tonight was my christmas party for was pretty fun. Maegan came with me and we didn't stay very long because she has to work in the morning and had to get to bed. So, we stayed for about an was pretty good. I didn't bowl or anything, just kind of walked around and talked to people. And took pictures lol. It takes me so long to get out of my shell and be able to talk to people without feeling on the brink of collapse that sometimes I feel like it truly isn't worth it to leave my house. One day soon I'm gonna make an excellent recluse.

[Dan and I]

I went christmas shopping briefly with Mom and Grandma today...we stopped at Fanatic U to see if they had the U of M jersey that Jennifer wants and the red wings sweatshirt that Brenda wants. They had a bunch of stuff but it was all so expensive that we didn't buy anything there. We just decided to go to Walmart and see what we could get there. I honestly don't know what the owners of tiny stores like that are thinking by charging outrageously high prices. It's not like anyone, especially around here, can afford it right now. But anyways. So we went to Walmart and then I just chilled with Mom until I picked Mae up at 9:15. I've been terribly lonely sans buffel.

[Kristina & I]
What else is there really to talk about? Not much. There's only 13 days till Christmas...and I haven't even started shopping. Or figured out what to get people....ugh. I'm so bad about procrastinating. Even worse about making actual decisions. Chances are I'll wind up wandering around Target and wherever else I decide to go shopping for hours...

Anyhoodle. Just wanted to share some pictures and ramble. Peace out.

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