Tuesday, August 25, 2009

2:16 am

Well, it's 2:16am and instead of doing something constructive like sleeping, [since I'm to be up at 8:30 for my first class of the school year] I'm facebooking and looking at photography tips on DPS and blogging. I lead such an exciting life. It's too hot in here to sleep and I now understand why Pedro shaved off all of his hair in Napoleon Dynamite. It's way too hot to sleep. I don't know why my mom is so stubborn and will never turn on the air. Plus Zelda's been barking non stop and I can't get her to shut up.

So, yeah. First class at 9:30 tomorrow morning, with Katie. I've dedicated too many posts to my class schedule and stuff so I won't talk about it anymore.

Goals for tomorrow:
-Get up at a decent time and DON'T hit my alarm twenty times.
-Eat a good breakfast before class. This means no oreos or energy drinks, as I'm tempted to do.
-Make sure my work clothes are fully dry before I go to work...damp jeans are no one's friend. *is a loser*
-Make it through class.
-Get to work by 11:15.
-Eat a proper lunch.
-Nap before my evening class [which won't be long since I get off at 3 and have class at 5:30]
-Get to class on time.
-Don't fall asleep in class.
-Come home and do whatever homework may be on my plate for the evening.
-Don't be a cranky bitch while all of this is going on.
-Get to bed at a decent hour and NOT have insomnia tomorrow night.

Think I can do it? Me neither.

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