Friday, August 21, 2009

Amber Updates

Well, school starts on Wednesday, so once again I will back to balancing my life and making a pretty busy schedule work to my advantage/for me. :] I have Fridays completely off and most of the day Tuesdays, which I guess I will use to catch up on any homework I don't do. This year I'm determined to make the most of college and of all my classes and get good grades. Well, right now I have a 3.7 which I worked hard for so I'm determined to keep it or raise it.

I remember this time last year, I was so nervous and scared. I felt like such a dork, haha. Even though it's just Schoolcraft, I had kind of a hard time adjusting and basically hated the school and all of my classes for the fall semester, which sucked. I remember when Monday morning came and I had to get up and start the school week all over again, I almost wanted to cry. But luckily after that semester I got used to balancing homework, going to class, working and doing my own stuff so I was much happier. And I learned what worked and didn't work as far as planning my schedule went. Last semester I had classes every day, so this time I learned to plan one day where I had the day off, so I chose Friday. =] Why not get an early start to the weekend?

So my schedule is:
Monday: Early American History- 9:3am-10:50am. Work 11:15-3pm. Political Science 6-9 or something haha.
Tuesday: Computer Information Services- 9:30-10:50am.
Weds: Early US History again. Work again. Abnormal Psych 5:30-8:30
Thursday: CIS again. Work.
Friday: Nada! :]

I have Early American History with Katie, I'm glad I have a class with her. I wish I had a class with Maegan, maybe we will take one together in the winter. =] I bought my books last Tuesday-432$. Ouchhhh. :/

In other news, Katie and I went on our mini vacation to Lexington Thursday to Friday and I think we both had a pretty good time. I got some beautiful pictures out of it, if I do say so myself. :P It was nice to hang out with her, we haven't done anything like that in a long time.

The picture at the beginning of my post is one that I took of the Ambassador Bridge when we went to Port Huron/Lexington. I feel really confident about my photography right now, not arrogant, just confident, like I've gotten better at it than I was when I started. It takes a lot to make me feel "confident" about anything that I do because I don't have a lot of faith in the things I do. I love photography, it's something that makes me truly happy and content and I wish that I could make a career out of it. But I'm someone who needs stability and to know what's coming or up ahead in life, so unfortunately if following my passion isn't going to absolutely pay the bills when I'm older than I can't do it. It kind of kills me a little, though. =/

1 comment:

Mae said...

you should look into photography and see if it is possible for it to be a stable career somehow. you never know!