Thursday, August 27, 2009

I Know Who Killed Me and new pictures

I seem to have developed a pattern of writing a blog[lately a very long one] right before I go to bed. Tonight we're going to talk about a movie Maegan and I rented called "I Know Who Killed Me".

It came out in 2007 and stars, you guessed it, Lindsay Lohan. Now, this semi review might be a bit biased because I nor Mae were in the mood to watch this type of movie. We both wanted to see it though so we grabbed it off the shelf. Spoilers ahead if you haven't seen it.

It's about a girl named Aubrey who has tons of stuff going for her in life [she's an amazingly talented writer, she's transfering to Yale, her family is loaded, great boyfriend] and then she is kidnapped one night by a serial killer and tortured brutally. This serial killer is someone you would classify as unbelievably deranged. He slips his victims amphetamines so they're awake while he does things like dry icing their hand so it rips the skin off, and many other brutal things.

Well, two weeks after she gets taken, someone finds her on the side of the road, brutally maimed but alive. When she wakes up in the hospital, everyone runs over and greets Aubrey, but there's a minor glitch: Aubrey says she isn't Aubrey. She says her name is Dakota and she has no clue who these people are.

As the movie goes on, Dakota starts to put the pieces of the puzzle together and realizes what is really going on and who is responsible, hence the name- I Know Who Killed Me.

It was not a great movie by any means. I was kind of confused half the time, and the other half of the time I was annoyed because they kept flashing from blue to red when they were talking about the different characters. There were an ungodly amount of plot holes and half the cast just annoyed me. I'd watch it again, however because I liked the storyline. Mae didn't like it because of the ending.

So, that's my somewhat review of that movie. What else happened today? I cut my finger at work, not bad but enough to make it sting ;[ I'm fine though haha. Tomorrow is my free day and I'm going to sleep a lot.

I took a new picture today: Focus on the Rain


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