Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Uh oh, my creativity is showing...

Today was an absolutely perfect day, weather wise, for me. I am in love with fall, it's my favorite season. The cold bite that the air has to it makes me happy, it makes me want to lay on the lawn and stare up at the sky for hours and hours. Seriously.

Lately I've been itching to take pictures but have been seriously lacking in something to take a picture of. I decided that I'd bring my camera with me today to see if anything sparked my interest, because it seems like whenever I don't have my camera, something beautiful demands my attention, and I can't indulge it. :[ But the point is, I brought it with me to my aunt and uncle's and my uncle had his cards laying on their table in the garage and I just...got creative...and arranged them in certain ways and ended up with, in my totallyyyyyyyy unbiased opinion :P, some great shots. I took both of those shots up there. And there are plenty more here.

Gah. I have to read and write for my psych paper now...due tomorrow. I fail at managing time. But still in a good mood cuz I has good pictures. :)

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