Monday, October 19, 2009

Post Birthday Blog

Well, I'm another year older. Sunday I turned 19. I had to work from 3 to close because I couldn't find someone to cover my shift, but I had a really good day nevertheless. Katie came up to visit me at work and so did Heather, Jennifer and Brenda. I got way too many presents, lol. My mom got me a season of Degrassi, a laptop table, a book, a Wii game, and a couple other things. Mae got me a photography reflector which I was super excited to try on Saturday, until her little sister thought we were freaks and we didn't end up taking any pictures, lol. I'm super excited about the reflector, though. I got Monsters vs. Aliens and Ordinary People from Brenda, Heather, Jennifer and Uncle Mike [Ordinary People is still in the mail lol]. Got a 25$ gift card to barnes and noble from Steve and Michele. Money from Grandpa and Grandma. A gas card from Grandma Wikoff.

My Dad didn't bother to call...I almost expected him to, it's very typical of him to call on my birthday or christmas, probably to make himself feel better rather than anybody else. A phone call a couple times a year doesn't do me any good, so he might as well just not call. On Halloween it will be one year since I last talked to him. He's a jerk and I guess like people say, it's his loss. But it still kind of hurts sometimes, like he has no idea what kind of person I am now. If you asked him what classes I'm taking in school, what I want to be, what my favorite hobby is, who my best friend is, what kind of car I drive, what kind of dog I have and what her name is, which Jimmy John's I work at, he wouldn't have a clue. Sometimes I'm glad I don't talk to him, because do I really need that kind of a jerk in my life? But sometimes I also wish he lived nearby and I saw him on weekends or something, because I wish I had a dad. Or at least I wish I had a Dad who gave a shit and wanted to know me. Anyways...

Pretty great birthday. =] Thanks everyone.


Mae said...

anybody who doesn't wanna talk to you every single day is a jerk and is missing out!! more amber for me :D

Luhh yew, happi b-day ;]

Amber said...

Hahahahah thanks, luhhh yew :]