Thursday, November 5, 2009

More Portraits and Babies

Tomorrow I'm going to be taking some more pictures of Heidi, some fall ones for her senior pictures. I'm really excited, we're going to an area of Hines Park to take them. I'm crossing my fingers and toes and praying that it doesn't rain in between now and tomorrow. Every time I've gone into the woods to do portraits it's been nothing but slip n slide with mud and it's getting old, haha. It should be fun though, she'll have a ton of variety in her shots to pick from. The biggest issue will be choosing which ones to make prints of, lol. She showed me a couple pictures of the area, and it looks like a really nice place. There's a lake and tons of trees, so there'll be a bunch of leaves. Guaranteed to be amazing.

Today at work, Derrick also mentioned that he thought of another place to go if I wanted to do more pictures of him...what kind of question is that? Of COURSE I want to! :] It's my favorite thing to do ever. We've been trying to figure out a time that's good for both of us to go, but we have totally conflicting schedules and it sucks. It's looking like either Friday again or a Saturday.

Today was one of those days where, if something COULD go did. Work was crazy busy, which isn't BAD, just stressful. Also, as I was clocking out and leaving, I accidentally bumped into the rack where the knives are and knocked one off. Instinct to catch it kicked in and I caught it...with the palm of my hand, blade first. OW. Real smart. But I didn't really think, I just reacted. So now I have a gash on my hand. It never opened and bled but it hurts like hell. And then me and my mom got into a huge fight later this evening...but there's nothing new there.

In more positive news, my cousin Jenn had her baby on Tuesday, November 3. Fynlie Patricia Margaret was born at 8am and weighed 7 lbs. 10oz. She's a beautiful baby, I can't wait to meet her! Unfortunately they live in Canada so it's difficult to get over there, being that I have no passport. But congrats to them!

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